L. Andrew Huffman
L. Andrew Huffman (they/them/ze/hir) is a trans and disabled fiction writer with their MFA from Arcadia University. They are a 2x Pushcart Prize nominee, and their work can be found in Identity Theory and Stanchion Zine, among others. They currently live in Central PA with their fiancé and their dog, Leroy, and are working on a full length manuscript.
Select Stories by L. Andrew Huffman

"Unrooted," Identity Theory
Pushcart Prize Nominated
"The vines always grew in the night, but it felt scientific to note the growth. To watch it. To add purpose to standing in the bathroom, gawking at their own body in the mirror, naked and dripping from the shower. It made them feel in control. The vines had grown about a quarter inch in the night, they guessed. The bark that spread across their stomach and up towards their chest had grown too, maybe an eighth of an inch upwards. A quarter of an inch, an eighth, that was okay, they told themself. They were okay, they thought over and over.
They needed to go to a doctor, or a botanist."

"Post Mortem,"Â Stanchion Zine
Pushcart Prize Nominated
"I lie in the graveyard grass and think about what will happen as I die. Procedurals usually only mention rigor mortis, the stiffening of the body, but that’s third. First is pallor mortis. You lose all the color in your skin. It happens so immediately that it isn’t a factor in determining time of death. Algor mortis is ineffective too, the second stage. The warmth of your body, my body, fades away. Your heart isn’t beating anymore. When I begin to decompose, my temperature will rise again. The breaking down of my body’s tissue creates energy. Heat. Rigor mortis is a better indicator."
Complete Fiction Publications
Stanchion Zine, forthcoming
"Seeing Themselves"
Catchwater Magazine
Identity Theory
"Unrooted", Pushcart Nominated
Stanchion Zine
"Post Mortem", Pushcart Nominated